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the Quarterly pastor's report
District Assembly Reports
Due June 14, 2019
Licensing Forms
2018 Application for District Licensed Ministry
Those who wish to be considered for District Licensed Ministry must make contact with the District Secretary prior to the district credentials board meeting each Spring. The following form should be submitted to the District Secretary in preparation for this meeting.
Only candidates who have completed one year as a local licensed minister, have completed the prescribed number of classes for entry, and have the recommendation of their local church board will be considered.
2018 Application for Ordination Consideration
Those who wish to be considered for ordination must make contact with the District Secretary prior to the district credentials board meeting each Spring. The following form should be submitted to the District Secretary in preparation for this meeting.
Only candidates who have held district license previous to this assembly, having completed the course of study, meeting the academic requirements and have completed their required years of ministry service will be considered for ordination.
Pastor & Local Church
Background Check - District Activities & Involvement
All persons working at our youth and children's camps, district NYI and SDMI events, and those working in any ministry activity involving chaperoning of children/youth, are required to complete a basic background check. Please download the following form and return it to the district office for processing.